AL POGORZELSKI (whose stage-name is Al Agor). A most remarkable, mature physique, Al is 5'11, weighs 158, biceps 15.75" waist 28.75". chest 38 relaxed 39.5" exp:

He began barbell exercise about 3 1/2 years ago--previously was a runner.

Al was an athletic instructor with the 11th Airborne. As a paratrooper, he humped 47 times.

Currently is a free lance writer, and also does sports announcing on several radio stations.

This is AMG's photo XI-1-8H. Al is found on pages 2 thru 5 of AMG's catalog XI13.

JOE GIES 18 5'11" 183 lbs waist 32, hest 42, USC football player. Also active swimmer which he does to build up endurance. Joe is training to be a Petroleum engineer because

he likes outdoor work. AMG offers three catalogs of him in their ZW


NEW YORK PHYSIQUE PHOTOGRAPHER SELLING NUDES ARRESTED: 100,000 NAME MAILING LIST CONFISCATED ! In previous issues of Physique Pictorial we have deplored certain practices by a New York photographic group which we have never named outright, and we have suggested that readers who might get their literature ask them to tone it down a bit. We ourselves wrote the group over a year ago, pleading with them to restrict their offerings and advertising to material which would not prove legally dangerous, but they apparently considered this just the prattling of a jealous "competitor In their later literature they ridiculed our admonitions.

It is with no satisfaction but rather with sincere sorrow that we report that the key photographer of this group along with six of his associates have been arrested. Police claim they confiscated over 120, 000 photos, in which a good many of the models seemed to be afflicted with identical cases of Priapism; according to the literature of the organization this was the "real thing". In our opinion, one of the most tragic aspects of this situation is that the photographer was so gentalented--his work was so fine as not to need any artificial: additions to put it across. uin The report that there were 100,000 on the mailing list sounds a bit fishy, and typical of headline-hunting cops, since this would be more than 20 times the mailing list of even the most active physique photographers of our acquaintance. You may wonder if any of these people on the list will be annoyed by officials, as has happened in times past. We believe this is possible but not likely. Being on such a list proves nothing, as mailing lists are often sold, stolen, names copied from phone books, magazines, etc. However, should one be called in he should take an attorney with him even though he is told this is not necessary.

Let us reiterate once again that we do not feel that nudes per se are obscene, but rather only legally dangerous, and are a "luxury" restricted to those prepared to go to court to prove their rights to sell or to possess them. The sane phy5 sique photographer knows he cannot afford to sell them the artist (males at least) will find a mirror a less expensive substitute.